Festivals and feasts
1.A wine feast taking place every first Saturday in February, welcoming many guests from far and away. On that day, the Greek god Dionysus, specially dressed for the event and accompanied by his young followers, comes down from the mountain. Accompanied with music, dances and celebration, a committee awards the best wine produced in the previous year.
2.”The flat sausage feast”, that is being organized as a “local meetings”, accompanied with music, gathers old friends to eat pork sausages and dark red wine in the winter months.
3.As a tradition, St. Trifon’s day is celebrated on the 1st and 14th of February to commemorate the day of wine.
4. An annual village fair taking place on every the 2nd of August, when in a 3 day long festive atmosphere, every member of the village along with their descendents gather around to celebrate their common ties and relationship.
5.Annual sculptural symposium, that grows every year to create artistic stone figures and converts the village into a snow-white marble city.